Creating Wildflower Meadows
Do you want to encourage more wildlife into your garden?
As the Spring approaches, do yourself and nature a favour by creating areas of wildflower meadow in your garden. This is one of the best things you can do to make your garden more attractive to wildlife and because you only mow these areas at the end of the season, it’s a lot less work.
The video below is my back garden – filmed in 2021. Three years ago it was an uninteresting lawn, but I’ve transformed it into a haven for nature. I’ll be running a 1 day course from here in the summer on how to create areas of wildflower meadow in your garden.
The diversity of life within my garden has exploded since I created mine. Here is just a tiny selection of the species that I’ve found in the garden in the last couple of years.

This will cover all the practical aspects, including preparing the ground, selecting plants and seed mixes, ongoing management and an introduction to the sort of wildlife you can hope to attract. You can do this with any size space and it complements all the other things you can do to make your garden more nature friendly.
Get in touch if you’re interested in coming along.
It’ll be £40 per person. 10am to 4pm. A seed mix and coffee and cake will be included. Bring a packed lunch.
Dates: Saturday 25th of June or Saturday 2nd of July.
Location: Barking, Mid Suffolk